This event has expired or is no longer available.
DTA Summer School 2024 is being hosted by Anglia Ruskin University and will take place in Cambridge.
Wednesday 10 July - starting prompty at 11am (arrival and registration from 10.30am). A social event is planned for the evening.
Thursday 11 July - all day, with a social event planned for late afternoon/early evening.
Friday 12 July - finish at 3pm.
This year's event will have an overarching theme of 'Communication', with sessions designed to show you the value of and help you communicate and translate your research and yourself to others during and beyond your PhD.
Registration details
Please note that formal registration is now closed. If you are a DTA researcher and would like to attend Summer School, please contact us directly at
Venue : Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT
Type: Residential Events
Start Date: Wednesday 10-07-2024 - 10:30
End date: Friday 12-07-2024 - 15:00
DTA team