So, you are attending a conference and what to share it on social media. Here are some suggested ways to make the most out of your attendance (and potentially boost the audience of your presentation!).
Share a Tweet, LinkedIn, IG post when you get the news your abstract was accepted for the conference!
A week or so before the conference, share a poster version or abstract of your talk.
Post (and repost!!) the time slot and room of your presentation. Remind people the day before and the morning of.
Follow the conference organisers, the key speakers, and universities involved in the conference. Make sure to tag them.
Follow and use the conference hashtag.
Tag you institution, funder and co-authors in your posts.
Post photos – did you get a flight or train? Morning coffee on the way to the venue? Social event with people you met at the conference? People prefer visuals than text!
Send a message afterwards to the organisers to say says. Even better, reach out to someone whose talk you really enjoyed. Ask them if they are still in town and free for a coffee.